Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blunders Enlightening

When I left for class today I forgot to give Buddy his diazepam before the storm came. Consequently his anxiety-induced barking and howling caused Simon to scream and cry, which led to Dion's stress-induced temporary loss of brain function. I'm sure it was at this point that my husband with a spatial IQ of 164 couldn't fit all of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher before he started it.

Around 2pm I heard the alarm sound, indicating the entrance of a package delivery truck onto the premises. I order things online when I get bored or when I feel priceless; mostly the latter. I also enjoy having strange men visit my house and give me things. Today, I received my Anthony Bourdain autographed photograph and my Brazilian begonias. Evidently I order miniature versions of autographed pictures and tremendous jumbo packages of flowers, hypothesizing a correlation with the computer screen making everything look the same size. So then, during this disenchantment, Simon began nibbling on the dog food.

Still, I managed not to break my foot again on my trek down the college stairs in my platforms by only the light of the ... well, rain clouds. I realized I had tricked fate when I heard "This Love" by Maroon 5 two times on the radio via channel surfing during my 15 minute ride home. For anyone unfamiliar, it was this masterpiece that inspired the awkward gyrations leading to the original snap of my 5th right metatarsal, on the eve of my sister's dance recital.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Sweating in Small Animal Shapes

It was too hot to go to the zoo today. When I walked outside to get the mail I inadvertently began the breast stroke to the mailbox and remembered what a good idea it is to teach Simon to swim as soon as possible. When we visited the zoo last time with Monica and Maya, Simon leisurely strolled the path conversing intelligently with the furry critters. One of the zebras told him that his smile was worth a million dollars. I'm not sure I trust a zebra to know the value of American currency. How long does a zebra have to live in the country to become a citizen? Can a zebra marry a horse? I know some horses up the street and I bet I could be like the millionaire matchmaker of the equids. Simon also discussed the pros and cons of bubble blowing with the leopard. I could only understand a few words here and there, including "bububa" and "elmo".
Photobucket Photobucket
I hope it gets cooler outside tomorrow. My garden in desperate need of weeding and I can't afford to lose any more sweat. Plus I'm sure we are due for another zoo visit.