Monday, July 14, 2008

Flames on the sides of my face

My mom calls me a lot. I've been trying to teach her the benefits of email, but with little headway. Sometimes my mother calls on the phone wanting to spell out a website URL so I can write it down, look it up, and give her some sort of feedback. A call such as this could assault me while I'm driving, changing a diaper, or watching my stories. My mom's ineffectual internet-phone-phone-internet-phone debacle drives me batty, so much so that I decided to make a list of other such things that bother me more than they should.

10. Creationism
9. Dion's ex-girlfriends, concept of;
8. Spiders, existance of
7. That sound Steph makes when she's trying to clear out her ears
6. People who like Nickelback
5. ~can't stand when a bitch all in my side~
4. Slurping
3. Reading a your/you're or they're/their/there mistake
2. Cleaning up satyr droppings in the back yard
1. "Oversize load" signs, because I believe they need a "d" in there


Dionysus said...

As far as #3 goes... word.

kara said...

what happens when i teach your mom the internet and she stumbles upon this blog?

i cant agree more with spiders, that weird steph noise and nickelback.

rabidchild said...

really? slurping? what else can you do with hot chocolate? oh and ...uh, sorry about number 3, maybe i've been a major cause..but dyslexic girl doesn't care how words are spelled just as long as it is understandable.